Elan: Eleven Years of Evolution
1. Laying the Foundation
2. Elan Makes its Mark
3. The Family Elan
4. Elan on Tarmac
5. Elans on Tarmac
6. Under the Microscope
7. Maintaininf the Breed
8. Horses for Couses
9. Return of the Elan
Lotus CLubs and Services
In Loutus Elan-The Complete Story, Mike Taylor examines the history of one of the greaatest and most colectable classic sports car in the world. The Elan was a major success in its day and is still a fine design today, with perfectly balanced handling, steering and braking and classic sleek lines. Illustrated throughout with superb colour and black and white photographs, and including a wealth of detail on the car and the company, this is essential reading for all Lotus enthusiasts.