21,00 €
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250 mm x 207 mm
21,00 €
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01 Introduction
02 Topolino
03 600
04 Millecento
05 500
06 850
07 128
08 127
09 126
10 Panda
11 Uno
12 Cinquecento
13 Seicento
14 Nuova Panda
15 Trepiuno (Nuova 500)
16 Autobianchi
17 Etceterini
18 Fiats made under licence


- Description of production histories
- The relevance to the car buying public
- Practical ownership information
- Restoration Advice
- Top quality photography

Fiat have built millions of vehicles since 1899 but the company is perhaps best known for its ability to produce small, economical, characterful cars. ‘Great Small Fiats’ traces this concept from the birth of the 500A ‘Topolino’ in the 1930s up the current Panda and a hint of the proposed Nuova 500. Each of the selected models are
described in detail from their conception through to current ownership in the hands of collectors and enthusiasts. The chapters include practical information on buying and running a small Fiat and restoration advice for the older cars. Also included are Fiats built under licence outside of Italy and the Fiat-derived ‘etceterini’ coachbuilt and competition cars.

In deciding which models to choose for inclusion in this book selected from Fiat’s huge inventory, the author concentrated on three criteria – greatness, size and emotion. Where size is an easy parameter to qualify, greatness is more complicated because it is a combination of of both the manufacturer’s and the public’s opinion. A car that is highly regarded by the public may not have been a commercial success and vice verse. A truly great car is one that works well for both parties. Emotion may be considered to be an element of greatness in that the public’s ‘love’ for a car is a fantastic benefit for a manufacturer and must be treasured. Fiat have made the mistake of ‘improving’ an icon on several occasions only to find that public opinion went against them. Fortunately Fiat has been magnanimous enough to respond by giving the car buying public more of what it wants. As long as they continue to do so then Fiat’s reputation as the world’s greatest small car manufacturer is set to continue.

The author chose the Topolino as the starting point as the car fulfils all the criteria and it was the first Fiat built in the late 1930s to satisfy the Italian public’s new-found desire for mobilisation. The old conventions of car production were turned upside down with the arrival of the 600 which revolutionised car production techniques and maximised on passenger space and performance at minimal cost. These principals continued via a succession of models which include the 500, 850, 126, 127 through to more recent models like the Cinquecento and Seicento.

Running in parallel with these ‘cheeky’ Fiats, this book covers a range of slightly larger cars that were built in huge numbers. Though rather staid in appearance, the 1950s Millecento was family transport for millions of Italians covering three decades, four when the Indian-built cars are included. Similarly the 128, Panda and Uno were ‘the’ Italian small cars of the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. Nuova Panda carries the banner to the present day.

In deciding which models to choose for inclusion in this book selected from Fiat’s huge inventory, the author concentrated on three criteria – greatness, size and emotion. Where size is an easy parameter to qualify, greatness is more complicated because it is a combination of of both the manufacturer’s and the public’s opinion. A car that is highly regarded by the public may not have been a commercial success and vice verse. A truly great car is one that works well for both parties. Emotion may be considered to be an element of greatness in that the public’s ‘love’ for a car is a fantastic benefit for a manufacturer and must be treasured. Fiat have made the mistake of ‘improving’ an icon on several occasions only to find that public opinion went against them. Fortunately Fiat has been magnanimous enough to respond by giving the car buying public more of what it wants. As long as they continue to do so then Fiat’s reputation as the world’s greatest small car manufacturer is set to continue.

The author chose the Topolino as the starting point as the car fulfils all the criteria and it was the first Fiat built in the late 1930s to satisfy the Italian public’s new-found desire for mobilisation. The old conventions of car production were turned upside down with the arrival of the 600 which revolutionised car production techniques and maximised on passenger space and performance at minimal cost. These principals continued via a succession of models which include the 500, 850, 126, 127 through to more recent models like the Cinquecento and Seicento.

Running in parallel with these ‘cheeky’ Fiats, this book covers a range of slightly larger cars that were built in huge numbers. Though rather staid in appearance, the 1950s Millecento was family transport for millions of Italians covering three decades, four when the Indian-built cars are included. Similarly the 128, Panda and Uno were ‘the’ Italian small cars of the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. Nuova Panda carries the banner to the present day.

In deciding which models to choose for inclusion in this book selected from Fiat’s huge inventory, the author concentrated on three criteria – greatness, size and emotion. Where size is an easy parameter to qualify, greatness is more complicated because it is a combination of of both the manufacturer’s and the public’s opinion. A car that is highly regarded by the public may not have been a commercial success and vice verse. A truly great car is one that works well for both parties. Emotion may be considered to be an element of greatness in that the public’s ‘love’ for a car is a fantastic benefit for a manufacturer and must be treasured. Fiat have made the mistake of ‘improving’ an icon on several occasions only to find that public opinion went against them. Fortunately Fiat has been magnanimous enough to respond by giving the car buying public more of what it wants. As long as they continue to do so then Fiat’s reputation as the world’s greatest small car manufacturer is set to continue.

The author chose the Topolino as the starting point as the car fulfils all the criteria and it was the first Fiat built in the late 1930s to satisfy the Italian public’s new-found desire for mobilisation. The old conventions of car production were turned upside down with the arrival of the 600 which revolutionised car production techniques and maximised on passenger space and performance at minimal cost. These principals continued via a succession of models which include the 500, 850, 126, 127 through to more recent models like the Cinquecento and Seicento.

Running in parallel with these ‘cheeky’ Fiats, this book covers a range of slightly larger cars that were built in huge numbers. Though rather staid in appearance, the 1950s Millecento was family transport for millions of Italians covering three decades, four when the Indian-built cars are included. Similarly the 128, Panda and Uno were ‘the’ Italian small cars of the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. Nuova Panda carries the banner to the present day.

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