1. Russia
2. Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia
3. Poland
4. Czech Republic & Slovakia
5. East Germany
6. Hungary
7. Romania
8. Yugoslavia
9. Bulgaria
Eastern European car are generally derided in the West as cheap low-quality rust buckets. Not many people know that this is very far from the truth: very few Western publications have tried to dig deeper. This book anims to do just that, covering almost all the vehicles producted from the end of the Second World War to date - from the most basic canvas theree-wheeler from Czechoslovakia to the big V8 limousines of Russia.
Many Soviet bloc cars were never exported to the West, so there are many unfamiliar marques, such as Zil, Chaika, Syrena and Tatra, alongside the better known Skoda, Lada abd Trabant. Little coverage has been given ti Soviet land speed records, prototypes and so on, but all these aspects of motoring behind the Iron Curtain are included in this fascinating new book.
Born in Turkey, Julian Nowill learnt to drive in Turkish Anadol, and his enthusiasm for oddball cars has continued ever since. Now a stockbroker in Exeter, Julianwas one of the first Brits to drive a Trabant to the West after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and in his spare time runs the Inloved Societ Socialist Register - the only club dedicated to these muchderided cars.